The use of such telescopes, based on Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC) will allow the study of cosmic ray showers and the correlation between multiple primaries producing distant showers. The Extreme Energy Events ( EEE) project plans to build and use an array of cosmic ray telescopes for muon detection, distributed over the italian territory. Zichichi and organized by Centro Fermi.Īntolini, R Baldini Ferroli, R Bencivenni, G Blanco, F Bressan, E Chiavassa, A Cifarelli, L Cindolo, F Coccia, E De Pasquale, S Di Giovanni, A D'Incecco, M Fabbri, F L Garbini, M Gustavino, C Hatzifotiadou, D Imponente, G La Rocca, P Librizzi, F Menghetti, H Miozzi, S Pappalardo,G S Piragino, G Riggi, F Sartorelli, G Sbarra, C Selvi, M Williams, C Zichichi, A

The project is part of the EEE initiatives launched by prof. Students from Norway, Italy and Geneva (college Voltaire) cam to CERN to follow seminars on cosmic rays and to assemble a special cosmic ray detector prototype, PolarquuEEEst, to be installed on board Arctic sailing vessel Nanuq to detect cosmic rays close to the North Pole this summer.

EEE project special detector PolarquEEEst